Well! It has been about six weeks of silence on here - my apologies. There was some life happening and some time spent on a needed mental health break. But now, as the new year rapidly approaches, I pick up my metaphorical "pen" to continue recounting the journey where I left off.
August 2018 - yet another month of preparation for transition and change!
In contrast to the past several months, I posted a TON on Facebook in August. {My quantity of Facebook posts can sometimes be an indicator of my mood.}
Early in the month, I made a trip back to Siloam Springs, AR (my college hometown) in order to reunite with friends and church "family" there. However, I had some pretty bad nights of sleep, the worst in a couple months. At the same time, God was so gracious and merciful - He gave me a special day visiting my old nature "haunts" all around campus, reflecting and prayer journaling. :)
I saw two doctors that month, as a chiropractor friend of mine thought my mental/emotional symptoms might stem from a hormone imbalance. But there was nothing to conclusively diagnosis me with a physical reason for those trials.
I also threw myself into personal fundraising through my first-ever Go Fund Me page, to cover my monthly insurance premiums and some other personal expenses that would not be covered by the Servant Teams internship/gap year program.
At my last appointment with my psychiatrist, he agreed to give me a three-month prescription for each of the two-to-three medications I had been taking since February. {I had temporarily quit one medication in July/August, but I think I went back on it after the resurgence of my bouts with insomnia in AR and Dallas.}
Finally, it was time to pack (in the last 100 hours in Dallas) and leave on August 29th. I was so very excited for a break from the megatropolis {my made up word} of DFW, where I had been "stuck" for almost five months.
And so I made my escape - having no idea what all lay before me!
I don't remember what music I was listening to a lot at the time - but here's one from that general era that fits well what was *really* going on - I thought I was in control making positive decisions again {finally!}, but God was the One actually in control!