Monday, September 7, 2020

Introduction: My Story ~ Sept. 2020

 Hi, my name is Esther - and I am a blogger gone reticent.

But I want to reopen this communication stream - and to do that most accurately I felt like I needed to start yet another blog (I've had three or four others in the past).

This blog comes about from the journey I've been on for the past two years--well, for the past three years nearly, and really even before that. The story will come in sections ... if I tried to write it all at once it would be SO LONG.

There are pieces of this story that fear, shame, and guilt want to hide and muzzle into silence. But these are pieces of my story now, and I don't want to run from them or try to sweep them under the rug and forget about them. I want to live in freedom and transparency with my God and my community.

Because my story is SO much bigger than any medical diagnosis, weakness, or shortcoming.

My story is HIS story.

My hope and prayer is that God gives me the strength and grace to proclaim His GOOD STORY in every post I write -- even the hardest ones.

I want to speak of His Grace - greater than all my sin.

Of Jesus' kindness, which draws me in.

I want to tell of Him.

May it be so here.

The Ongoing Story: Decisions ~ Aug. 2022

 Wow, it's been almost four months since I wrote on here!! Praise God, they have been four pretty level-headed months. I've been sle...